Wellness Sessions

Wellness Sessions

In a wellness session, we will embark on a transformative journey towards whole-body health. The session begins with a deep exploration of your physical and emotional well-being. Through attentive listening, I will guide our conversation to gain insights into your unique needs and concerns.

Drawing from intuition and rigorous research,  I will create a personalized wellness plan. This comprehensive approach encompasses nutrition, herbal formulations, lifestyle modifications, and self-care practices. With a focus on restoring balance and promoting vitality, our time together will empower you to take control of your health through developing an intimate relationship with yourself and the plants.


Best to address a specific wellness question in one long session, follow-ups can be scheduled as desired.

We go deep in an 1.5-2 hour Intake Session reviewing your health history, tongue diagnosis, lifestyle, and nutrition. I will research your health complaint and create a Wellness Plan with custom herbal formulations and nutrition guidance.

$175 - includes one custom tea or tincture


Over three months we will work together to redesign your life to cultivate wellness.

1 Intake Session (1.5-2 hours) and two 1-hour follow-up calls

1 custom tincture + tea included 

1 personal yoga session (zoom or in-person SF)



Over six months we will partner to go deep into your health story. I will be your support as you adopt new practices and tap into your bodies wisdom.

1 Intake session (1.5-2 hours) and five 1-hour follow-up calls

1 custom tincture + tea included

1 personal yoga session (zoom or in-person SF)

Admittance to one group wellness cohort, workshop, or an in-person Reiki & Aromatherapy session (SF)
